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After a Workplace Injury in Illinois

Partial Permanent Disability Attorney in Peoria, Illinois

Questions About Partial Permanent Disability? We Can Help.

Beyond the payment of reasonable and necessary medical bills and the payment of temporary total disability benefits the injured worker may also be entitled to what is commonly referred to as a settlement if he or she can prove that the effects of or the aggravating effects of those injuries sustained at work have caused what the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission would recognize as a permanent partial disability. Permanent partial disabilities are routinely expressed in terms of percentage loss of use to the affected body part in the case of injury to our upper and lower extremities. Injuries involving the head, neck, and spine are considered injuries to the person as a whole.

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Peoria, Illinois, Permanent Partial Disability Lawyer

Effective disability evaluation for purposes of assessing permanent partial disability is not a job for the layman. Many factors: factual, legal, and medical can influence the value of a workers’ compensation case for purposes of PPD assessment. Generally recognized indicators relevant to disability evaluation for purposes of PPD include:

  • The necessity of surgical intervention is an indicator used by many Arbitrators that permanent partial disability exists. Of course, that is not to discount those injuries which are serious enough such that surgical intervention would be of no help;
  • The length of legitimate temporary total disability from work is often used by Arbitrators as an indicator of permanent partial disability. Obviously, the longer the injured worker is authorized off work by a credible medical provider(s) the more likely the Arbitrator is to look at the nature and extent of the injuries as warranting a permanent partial disability assessment;
  • Obvious related orthopedic deformities such as irreparable biceps tendon rupture will point an Arbitrator in the direction of assessing permanent partial disability;
  • The necessity of the imposition of permanent work restriction(s) will influence the thinking of an Arbitrator when assessing permanent partial disability. This is especially true in cases where such restrictions produce an earnings wage loss large enough to qualify the injured worker for a wage loss differential type settlement;
  • Testimony from credible medical provider(s) that the effects of work-related injuries have rendered the injured worker incapable of work for which there exists a reasonably stable labor market could entitle the injured

Again, disability evaluation is no job for the layman. As with any aspect of the handling of a workers’ compensation case, there is no substitute for experience. Remember that the workers’ compensation insurance company in your case has likely, since its beginning, benefited from the advice of legal counsel. Do not deny yourself access to your legal expertise. Disability evaluation is very much a job for an experienced workers’ compensation trial lawyer.

Partial Permanent Disability Attorney in Peoria, Illinois

Many people who have experienced a life-changing injury at work are uncertain of what the future holds. They need someone on their side to explain the law and to help them get the benefits they need and deserve. John Lesaganich, P.C., has more than 30 of experience as a lawyer helping injured workers get permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits. He knows what workers frequently experience when they need workers’ compensation benefits from insurance companies and employers.

If you have questions about permanent partial disability, we may be able to help. . To speak with attorney John Lesaganich about how Illinois law applies to your accident or repetitive trauma injury, contact our office. We are located on Main Street in downtown Peoria and initial consultations are always free and confidential.

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